



Imagine a world where illness is optional

Endiatx makes robot pills for telemedicine. Our first product, PillBot™, is a virtual endoscope or “moving eyeball in the stomach”. It’s a pill camera you swallow that lets you access the world’s best Gl doctors without leaving home.

PillBot will use the stomach as the beachhead for confirming the viability of robotics within the human body. Pill Bot™ will let patients anywhere across the globe receive immediate stomach diagnosis and screening via telemedicine calls.

Building on this revolutionary technological achievement, Endiatx will develop additional robotic devices with increasing features and miniaturization. Next will come PillSurgeon™, which will use the PillBot™ platform but add tools to remove polyps, cauterize bleeds, sample the microbiome, and collect biopsy.

Beyond this, Endiatx envisions a suite of robotic surgeons of ever-decreasing size and broadening scope of applications within the human body. One day an army of rice grain-size surgeons may remove your brain tumor while you go about your day as normal.

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